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Suboticka Toplana

About Us

PUC is a modern company managing the energy resources of the city of Subotica and steering the development of public utility energetics in the direction of optimum and sustainable thermal energy supply in line with the principles of enhancing energy efficiency and environment protection. 
Besides Subotica, the company's thermal energy generation and distribution has been extended to the Backa Topola Municipality and Krivaja settlement.
The founder of the Subotica DH PUC is the city of Subotica, and its headquarters are in Subotica, at 22, Szeged Road (Segedinski put).

Since 2006 the Subotica DH PUC has been granted licenses for four energy-related operations:
• thermal energy generation
• thermal energy distribution
• managing the distribution network and
• trade of thermal energy.
The licenses for these operations are valid for 10 years.
Implemented Management Systems
The following systems have been implemented in the Subotica DH PUC:
• The quality management system harmonised with the ISO 9001:2008 Standard requirements was introduced in 2009.
• The environment protection management system harmonised with the ISO 140001:2004 Standard requirements was introduced in 2012. 
• The occupational health and safety system harmonised with OHSAS 180001:2007 Standard requirements was introduced in 2012.
The implementation and application of these systems and standards enable the company to respect not only legal regulations and valid requirements, but its own requirements on corporate responsibility, which means a strategic commitment to permanently advance the energy efficiency of its plants and distribution network and to contribute to the promotion of the environment's quality.
Technical Features
The basic technical production and distribution features of the Subotica DH PUC are:
•  Own capacities for thermal energy generation:  – 92 МW or 109 МW
• Total installed power of thermal energy consumption: 124 MW
• 48 km long distribution pipeline, which is  96 long in total with the return lines having 500 mm to 40 mm in diameter
• 845 thermal sub-stations in the network (305 in multi-flat houses and 540 residential sub-stations)
• Most of these sub-stations are indirect with automatic control of the heating intensity and provide remote monitoring and control.
• 138.500 MWx - thermal energy generation during the heating season.

The Subotica DH PUC generates 138.500 MWx thermal energy during the heating season and provides thermal energy to 27% of the total of households in Subotica, which makes 10.325 apartments and 210/400 commercial consumers, whereof many are public, educational, cultural, health and social institutions and other commercial/industrial subject.  The company's production system can meet all needs of the consumers, while the introduction of automatic control contributed to make the whole process more cost effective and to achieve optimum operation according to both technical and economic criteria of thermal energy generation. 
In the production of thermal energy the primary fuel is natural gas and heavy oil is used as an alternative.
Energy transition, where the Subotica DH PUC has already passed half of the road, in view of production systems means abandoning the old system of central regulation and dictating production level at source and accepting the new concept of meeting the current and variable needs of consumers, control on the spot of reception or consumption of thermal energy.
Since the 2005/2006 heating season, the company have started to apply consumption-based billing for the consumers.  The whole distribution system is equipped with measuring instruments for  the delivered thermal energy and it ranks the company among those rare energy-related subjects in Serbia who apply only consumption-based billing.